Promotional Golf Products and Merchandise
We Take You, the Client, Directly to the Factory
Fortune Marketing Unlimited, Inc. (FMU) was founded in 1987 to create, market, and manage corporately sponsored promotional events. We also design all the custom products we sell. Then, one on one with you, our designers modify the styles to fit your company's individual and unique image and logo application needs.
We are your factory-direct sourcing agent. The least expensive way to source products today is to work directly with a factory. Upon your approval of a preproduction sample, the factory will manufacture your items, and FMU will facilitate all import and shipping requirements to ensure that your order is delivered directly to the location of your choice.
Because we are factory direct, there are no extra charges for shipping to a warehouse in the USA, stocking, warehousing, printing or repackaging, or domestic shipping. There are no up-charges for salespeople, no middlemen, and no overhead. We eliminate these additional costs, and this way, you pay FMU only a small margin for our efforts. We make the products for you and deliver them straight from the factory to you.
Make Our Years of
Experience Work for You
FMU began designing and manufacturing custom logoed merchandise in 1998 to provide great products to clients with limited budgets.
Years of design, sourcing and manufacturing experience in Asia enable FMU to design high-quality, unique, and attractive custom logoed merchandise at a fraction of ASI or distributor prices. We provide service to our clients unmatched by other merchandise vendors and sports marketing agencies.
FMU competes with registered vendors at Fortune 500 corporations and major national charities, and we regularly win bids by offering significant savings over our competitors. In fact, over the last few years, FMU has won nearly every merchandise bid we have participated in.
Event Marketing: A Wise Business Decision
FMU partners with senior executives facing complex marketing decisions. We help companies recognize their outstanding issues, capture vital information, and reach superior, cost-effective choices. Our business philosophy is based on creating long-term relationships and delivering long-term results.
FMU creates for its client's specific tie-in promotions that add significant value to each sponsorship. We recognize that underneath all the corporate and organizational goals is one basic tenet: companies want to make money. FMU creates integrated marketing opportunities to generate measurable sales of products and services.
Your sponsorship is no longer just supporting a charitable cause or creating an association with golf or tennis-it is a wise business decision.
FMU created and manages The #1 Charity Event in Golf TM. The Applied Underwriters Invitational, formally the Cadillac Invitational and the Liberty Mutual Invitational, has raised more than a quarter of a BILLION dollars in net charitable proceeds over the last 35 years. Please visit for more information.